
Voici la traduction en englais d’un livre Russe :


Н.К. АРЕНДТ, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук

Ялта, 1972

Je tiens a remercier Serguey Leonodovich pour son aide et pour sa passion des figuiers.


Kaili was obtained from Tunisia in 1934. Condit (1955) mention the description of the variety made Minanguenom (1931) who called it Kahili. According to this brief description Kahili most likely is identical to Kaili which growing in Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Description of Kaili variety in Russian literature is absent except short mention by Arendt, Richter (1960). Nikitsky garden have passed cuttings of the variety for tests in scientific institutions of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmen republics. In the Nikitsky garden conditions Kaili have shown itself as partially partenocarpic and it produces a high breba crop.
Trees are of medium vigor, crown is round, slightly flat, dense. Annual shoots are 1.1 -1.2 cm diameter, brownish-green colour, with smooth traces of stalks, almost without hairs, shiny. Lenticels are large, round and linear on the nodes and these are longer at the interstices. Apical bud is small, pink, conically-tapered. Inflorescence has form of wide egg (if look from opposite side), with short neck (0.3-0.6 cm) and small (0.4-0.5 cm) stalks. Apex is rounded. It has a slightly prominent eye with red scales. After flowering fruits have little ribbing, bluish-green color with bright spots of small magnitude. The leaves are large, three-lobed, incised into ½, with narrow bases in central blades and strong expansion of the middle part, bright green colour above, with big bulging white glands, bottom is softly hairy, light colour. Petioles are short and very thick (0.6 cm) rigid. Leaf blade somewhat concave along the main veins, with raised edges of the blades and wavy edges. Base truncate or heart-shaped leaves. The recesses between the lobes are narrow, less than 1 cm.
Fruits of size 4×4 cm, weighing 38-40 g, flat-rounded, thick and quite long (0.8 cm) neck, ribbed a bit. Peduncle – 0.4-0.6 cm. The skin is dark blue, bluish waxy coating, at the stem – purple, without pubescence. Scales of eye is dark blue, small. Spots on the skin of a rare, small, purple. Inner fruit whitish-cream, narrow, delicate; pulp pinkish-cream, thick, medium sugar content, almost no acid.
Seeds are large and numerous. The fruits are of good transportability, well drying on the tree, but dry-product of poor quality. Very good for fresh eating.

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